The public securities, a safe, profitable and accessible investment

The Government securities market is the only local market, by tender, exclusively dedicated to the financing of the WAMU Member States. These sovereign issuers seek, through appropriate procedures, the issuance of Government securities by specific actors, either for their own account or for that of third parties. This is organized by UMOA-Titres.

Benefits related to the WAMU Government securities

Government securities represent a safe, profitable and accessible investment due to, among other things, the following parameters:

  • A Central Bank common to the eight (8) Member States
  • A single market comprising eight issuers with different risk levels offering natural diversity and no foreign exchange risk for local investors
  • No payment  defaults since its creation
  • A mechanism put in place by the Central Bank to make up for any shortcomings: the Financial Stability Fund
  • Tax-exempted public securities in the country of issue
  • Lower transaction costs guaranteed by the tendering process
  • An attractive risk / return ratio
  • A secondary market in development with the introduction of the Treasury Values Specialists (SVT) and the training of the actors

How to invest in WAMU public market

Government securities auctions are held by UMOA-Titres, in collaboration with BCEAO which plays the role of depository and settlement Bank.

  1. The annual issuance calendar is published with a quarterly update.
  2. Prior to each period, the notice of tender and related documents specific to each issue, are made available on our website.
  3. Investors, regardless of the territory in which they are established, subscribe to the auctions of Treasury bonds and bills through a bank or a brokerage firm of their choice, within the Union.
  4. The day of the auction, the bank participate in the auction on behalf of the investor.

To invest in the public securities of the WAMU zone

Se rapprochez d’un établissement bancaire agréé par la BCEAO

Participer aux avis d’appels d’offres selon le calendrier des émissions

Profiter de votre investissement

Plan your investment with the issuance calendar

The issuance calendar allow you to have a global view of all public issuances scheduled for the year.